Well it's been awhile since I posted so I'm starting the new year with word I found dear to my heart and one that I feel a lot of us struggle with.
So what is this word "CONTENTMENT"
Contentment=A state of PEACEFUL happiness. A state of SATISFACTION.
How do we acquire this PEACEFUL state of being? By trusting in our God.
Philippians 4:11
Not than I am implying that I was in any
personal want, for I have learned how to be CONTENT (satisfied to the
point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am
I believe that there are young adults who have not ever even thought of this word or have had anyone talk to them about this word. If we as adults struggle with this ourselves then how are to pass this on to a struggling teen?
It takes research and reading the word. Getting to the point in our lives where we will not let the devil steal our joy. It's standing up and casting down the negative parts of our lives each and every day. In order to help a teen we must be CONTENT ourselves. So find your PEACE by being CONTENT and may God's blessings pour down on you today so that you may pass this word CONTENT onto a young adult who may need to understand this too.
A point to ponder on my friend...